We help make products engaging and effective

We Care


We care of your projects. The creative process that goes into effective GUI design requires an in-depth understanding of a user’s needs, as well as an understanding of the expectations of their industry.

We Build


We focus on a design language that combines the classic principles of successful design along with innovation and technology. Our goal is to build a solid design system that allows for a great user experience, or “human experience”, as we prefer to call it.

We are Creative


We produce contents for you. We promote positive attitude towards challenges, creating the best content for your business, from e-learning video projects to advanced seo copywriting.


The Thinking Clouds is a start up incubated by E-Tekne Srl. We are expert in emotional UI/UX, Gamification and content creation. We have office in Italy, but we execute projects on a global scale. We are an economically stable, profitable growth company.

We create value from user insight for your benefit. Our production crew have the skills you need to capitalise digitalisation – user researchers, business consultants, service and UI/UX designers and gamification experts. Our enthusiastic production crew work in close co-operation with you to achieve shared goals.

"I believe there is no deep difference between what can be achieved by a biological brain and what can be achieved by a computer. It, therefore, follows that computers can, in theory, emulate human intelligence and exceed it"

Stephen Hawking


AI + Machine Learning

We design and implement automated information systems, using machine learning and UX / UI design techniques

UX + UI Design

We improve the user experience through appealing design and functionality with the help of emotional interfaces

Content creation

Content marketing has no secrets for us: we create e-learning products, videos and content for your business.

Some Fun Facts

Cups of Coffee
Projects Delivered
Days without a velociraptor attack
Winning Awards


Contact Us

Contact Info

  •  Work Center C.da Piano Cappelle 82100 Benevento
  • info@thethinkingclouds.com

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